Migrating from Babel
SWC's compilation is intended to support all ECMAScript features. The SWC CLI is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Babel:
$ npx babel # old
$ npx swc # new
This table outlines the differences between SWC and Babel.
babel package name | swc |
babel-plugin-external-helpers | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-decorators | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-proposal-dynamic-import | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind | ❌ (stage 0) |
babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent | ❌ (stage 2) |
babel-plugin-proposal-json-strings | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-numeric-separator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator | ❌ (stage 0) |
babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-proposal-throw-expressions | ❌ (stage 2) |
babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex | ❌ |
babel-plugin-syntax-async-generators | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-bigint | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-class-properties | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-decorators | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-do-expressions | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-export-default-from | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-export-namespace-from | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-flow | ❌ |
babel-plugin-syntax-function-bind | ❌ (stage 0) |
babel-plugin-syntax-function-sent | ❌ (stage 2) |
babel-plugin-syntax-import-meta | ❌ (stage 3, wip) |
babel-plugin-syntax-json-strings | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-jsx | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-numeric-separator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-optional-chaining | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-partial-application | ❌ (stage 1) |
babel-plugin-syntax-pipeline-operator | ❌ (stage 0) |
babel-plugin-syntax-throw-expressions | ❌ (stage 2) |
babel-plugin-syntax-top-level-await | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-syntax-typescript | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-classes | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-destructuring | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-keys | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-for-of | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-function-name | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-instanceof | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-jscript | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-literals | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-new-target | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-object-assign | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-object-set-prototype-of-to-assign | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-object-super | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-parameters | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-property-literals | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-proto-to-assign | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-compat | ❌ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-regenerator | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-reserved-words | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-runtime | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-shorthand-properties | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-spread | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-sticky-regex | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-template-literals | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-typescript | ✔️ |
babel-plugin-transform-unicode-regex | ❌ |
babel-preset-env | ✔️ |
babel-preset-env-standalone | ❌ |
babel-preset-flow | ❌ |
babel-preset-react | ✔️ |
babel-preset-stage-0 | ❌ |
babel-preset-stage-1 | ❌ |
babel-preset-stage-2 | ❌ |
babel-preset-stage-3 | ❌ |
babel-preset-typescript | ✔️ |
babel-register | ✔️ (swc-register) |