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Publishing plugins

If you prefer reading codes, you can refer to the repository for official plugins.

We assume that swi_cli was used to setup the module. See our Getting Started guide.

Creating a npm package

Building a plugin as a wasm

You can run your plugin as a wasm file by running

cargo build-wasi --release // build wasm32-wasi target binary
cargo build-wasm32 --release // build wasm32-unknown-unknown target binary

Both build-wasi and build-wasm32 are aliases configured in .cargo/config by the swi_cli.

It will create target/wasm32-wasi/release/your_plugin_name.wasm or target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/your_plugin_name.wasm, depending on your config.

Creating a npm package for plugin

Add the following to your package.json:

    "main": "your_plugin_name.wasm",
    "scripts": {
        "prepack": "cargo build-wasi --release && cp target/wasm32-wasi/release/your_plugin_name.wasm ."

Advanced: Improving your plugin

Adjusting configuration for smaller binary

You can reduce the size of the plugin by configuring cargo.

In your Cargo.toml file, you can add the following lines.

# This removes more dead code
codegen-units = 1
lto = true
# Optimize for size
opt-level = "s"
# Optimize for performance, this is default so you don't need to specify it
# opt-level = "z"

# Strip debug symbols
strip = "symbols"

Removing log for release mode

If logging of your crate is too much, you can remove it by enabling release_max_level_* of tracing, like

tracing = { version="0.1", features = ["release_max_level_info"] }
Last updated on September 9, 2022